Monday, July 29, 2013

I Praise God For the Few Gentle Women...Mothers of Children...Who Unlike the Many Others...

I thank God for the few gentle women...who like other angry jealous resentful women who are angry that my husband William & I have over come the hurdles that all marriages have when they start off married to one another...
These few have the same challenges as these who are raising children without a father husband in the home...
Yet they instead of rising against us in hate and jealousy...these few choose to see us as a ray of hope in their lives God sent to be examples in their children's lives in the abscence of a father.
These I thank now for your love and concern for action...willingness to do our laundry for us in our need as we continue to reach for God's promised healing and restoration in a rent that does not have either a tub nor laundry facilities.
God always sends us angels to help us over the hard spots when we persevere with Faith!
Faith and love in action...God always rewards and the seed of loving time and service goes not un-noticed by Almighty God...
HE shall provide infinitely more than the needs and desires of this one's heart...
For William & I will cry out to God always to care for her needs and concerns of herself and her fine sons!
And her sons will always have William to call when they simply desire that fatherly voice on the other end of the telephone.
And today after she gets off work and her sons too out of school, she will drive our laundry here...her sons will cart it up these stairs.
I will have surprises for them and they will be loved like grandsons in our home.
Our own children...well what St Paul wrote to Timothy applies...  read 11Timothy first 3 Chapters and you shall see that it was prophesied long ago that many children in end times will have no regard for their parents.
In fact William & I always have prayed that God would place in each of our own four children's lives....a couple similar to us who loves God and is obedient to HIM which the husband like William loves his own wife as Christ loves the church and return we promised to be what our children refused to receive in others children who refuse to listen to,  or love them...
And so here answer to our prayers...a mother with two teenage sons bringing laundry home this evening and we get to love on these boys...I will have hand stitched gifts for them that are not only special...but will encourage close union with Jesus...and HIS Holy Mother.
And how is it that so few are like these but more frequently we meet are rather happen upon those like this one....
Sunday Evening 5PM Teen Holy Mass we began content to remain in back of church on the cubicles...
but instead when William saw a space empty the 2nd to last pew in front of the "Cry Room"  we sat there in front of a woman with several daughters.
But she was the one with the bad attitude and behavior.
I believe one of the older girls possibly 12-13 years old...not really certain I hope they are not upset if I guess them a tad older or younger than they in a precious dress...the other in denim jeans tightly fit no different different than the mothers vulgar tight clothes...
So though the girls love each other...I cannot imagine that they are both actually daughters of this one...certainly if they were sisters how did the one in the dress ever receive the gift to dress so pre and sweet and not the others...nor the mother whose deplorable behavior far exceeds that of any giggly young girls or mischievous boys even babies can be controlled.
But the scorn of an angry jealous woman when she sees a married couple who has made the choices that she should have made even shocked the children she will say she was correcting.
The teeth of the two older girls nearly fell out of there mouth when they witnessed there mother hit me in my back...and I said to my husband:  "Come on honey that was done on purpose..arrogance!"
One of the pair of the older girls whose names I do not know....covered her mouth as she gasped in shock after witnessing her mother's rage.
I still do not know if she what she hit me with...probably her hip as she is huge not slender as I our you...typically those who are over weight get that way not due to something out of their control....
But by mindless eating...say devouring entire bags of high fructose covered popcorn and potato chips with fast food burger and fries on the go as they drive their expensive vehicles..Lexus's..Toyotas...Volkswagen's and even a Mercedes Benz I have seen in Saint Joseph's of Ponchatoula's lot.
When William has seen such huge rude foul mouthed females in public places such as shopping centers and grocery store parking lots in too much of a hurry driving out of the Winn-Dixie or Bohninigs or Saint Joseph parking lots...seeking anyone to devour and drive over he has always said for 16 years:  "Look at em they hate you because of me but what man will ever stay with woman  like that!"
I feel sorry and sad for those who have had to make hard choices as to leave a husband father who is on drugs and refuses to come clean that he may lead his family.
My first marriage I married my own rapist so as not to be forced by my biological parents and mothers homosexual cousin into an abortion.
Mine and William's hearts are committed sincerely to help those who have wondered from God's ways whether through drugs or whatever mistakes as The Carpenters Friend.
It is just down right bizarre that we also must take abuse of such this woman and other women who have actually at times tried driving over our bodies with venom....
While I am really not certain if she is divorced or married....either way her husband if married was not with her & her girls and so she despised us that we are always together.
But yesterday and one other Sunday evening we have noticed for the first time some real tough dirty old men who were never at the Teen Mass in the past year and a half...
Suddenly just a few weeks ago dirty old men started controlling the ushering collections that the teenage boys did a far finer job without in the past.
The old men are very rude while the teens are respectful, courteous and kind.
I have been saying to William for weeks that we need to start carrying in our folding camp chairs so that we can carry our chair from one part of the church to another that neither of us be again physically injured by another's the way...I wonder if that young woman actually went to Holy Communion after that??
Why not for Jesus and HIS disciples carried their tents on their backs as they followed HIM up and down to Jerusalem for 3 years.
And as HE carries our burdens we too can carry on our backs as HE once did...a folding tent style chair on our shoulder as we approach HIS Altar to receive HIM in the Holy Sacrament.of HIS Altar.
I simply say a prayer for such my prayer I keep my heart in forgiveness that I not become bitter...but only my heart bruised.
Sad thing is such people who are filled with such a temperament even for their own children...if she was really only going to correct a child...
She with the girls had the entire pew behind us...she could have walked to her left and lifted her baby...and carried a child or a baby to the cry room if the baby needed to be taken out.
And see though I forgive her who ever she is....she is not capable of friendship if her heart is filled with that much extra stress she brings upon herself with jealousy, anger and resentment...that she was not even listening to the scriptures about God seeking to find the cause of the cries of HIS poor that are much like our cries...mine & my William's today...
Instead taking out her inner struggles of jealousy and self seeking attention tactics out on both me and her children...
But when a mother is as loud with her mouth as she was all at the same moment she struck me from behind...
That mother is doing the same thing when she is at home alone with her children and this is biblical...out of the fullness of heart a person acts and speaks it is impossible to behave arrogantly, violently in self justified anger in St Joseph's church while being calm, correcting children with cool headed appropriate words and peaceful at home.
And so I am actually concerned if this mother has no business taking care of children...
Maybe they would be healthier being raise by an Aunt or Grandmother.
I know taking care of children is difficult I was not able to take care of my boy...he grew up in Boys Hope with Sister Saint Anthony, House Mother, who has the gift of raising and educating children that I was given not...instead I was given the gift of surrender...which I joyfully did when                  Fr Harold Cohen introduced me to Boys Hope.
  William & I thank God for you and a very few others of Saint Joseph of Ponchatoula we have met who we respect and admire.
William's pain is gone but he is still tired and weak... so again thank you on the laundry.
Forgive me for pouring my heart out to you sweet young women as I did here.
Sad thing is that God cannot give a young single unmarried mother a husband of her own who will love her and only her as Jesus Christ loves the church....if she acts jealous and resentful of our marriage or the marriage of another...for she is not fit to be a wife.

And when women start wearing modest dresses not swanky sweater dresses & skirts that are sexually provocative...

Then and only then will their young sons not have unusual sexual desires and needs far younger than it once can read about boys as young as 10-12 committing crime of rape.

 I assure you the women in the households these boys are raised from his mother, sisters possibly grandmother....for my mother always wore tight clothing and even a night gown in the early morning that exposed her entire female breasts in front of my son when he was very small...

And the  neighbor children's mothers & grandmothers and lets not forget school teachers wearing sexually provocative spray painted clothing.

I know this will make many females angry especially my one who lives sinfully likes being "Found out" or revealed."

But to be silent I would take ownership of their sin...and that will never happen.
Love to you both dears!  Many thanks!

Mr & Mrs William Gustavson
PO BOX 1144
Ponchatoula, LA  70454

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Expect You MIRACLE Today & Every Day or You Might...

Only those who expect MIRACLES in every part of every lives filled with MIRACLES and far more graces & Blessings than the average person alive on earth.

We receive what we we expect.

If you or I wake up anticipating bad news...

Guess what your phone will ring all day with problems.

For everyone who knows that Johnny or Jane expects days filled with problems....
Others assume that Johnny & Jane are exactly who they are to call & visit with every single delima that not only they personally encounter...

But recommend Johnny & Jane to each person they meet and greet along every single street whether in Ponchatoula Louisiana...
Or on the coast of Madagascar, Nigeria, Malawi, Egypt, India or Yugoslavia.

Earth geography never limits God's laws of deliverance, blessing or prosperity.

Nor is God ever limited by our circumstances.

We can always accept less than God's best and settle for what others are content with....

Or we can reach out for HIS greater gifts.

Jesus said:  "Far greater things than these you shall do...
For I go to my Father at HIS right hand and anything I ask is mine anything you ask in my Name My Father & I shall do for you & through you!"

Mr & Mrs William Gustavson
PO BOX 1144
Ponchatoula, LA  70454

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Some Catholics Are Not Only Confused About Pro-Life / Pro-Choice ...Abortion.

Children become what they live!

And all people become what they are called or the name by which groups they belong are called and also the styles of clothing they wear definably will change how they feel and how they feel will influence their behavior.

How people behave also influences the beliefs an attitudes they form and these attitudes they enforce through their lives as truth even when their attitudes were distortions of real truth.

I was wearing today a button pinned to my bright pink jacket that reads: PRAY FOR ABORTION TO END!"
 At a Graduation lunch in a New Orleans Catholic Parish the Sunday following Father's Day 2013...I was astounded the responses I received & conversation it spawned.

I expect this kind of confrontation if & wear it to the grocery store but not to Catholic Holy Mass & to a party of Catholic Families at a Catholic Church.

I was told that "Even if I personally would not abort my child, I don't have the right nor do you have right to suggest to others what they should do!"

Well is preaching & teaching the Holy Gospel suggesting to folks a better way to live???

And so this statement contradicts the entire life of a christian for we are called to always live by the Holy Scriptures that say:  "Let the redeemed of the Lord say so!"

Let HIS life, HIS joy, HIS mercy which endures forever never cease from parting from our lips!

We are to be imitators of God who calls each by name and who speaks good things into being at all times....
We are to like God embracing all that befalls us with great FAITH...speaking hope to the hopeless and life into the dead!

I pray you see this contradiction that we all plainly see and hear all over where ever we go...

Maybe you never thought of in this perspective.

When girls and women choose to not wear pants out but wear skirts and dresses only & not sexy slinky swanky clingy ones but modest ones that do not make a sexy appeal but are modest, pure & sweet...

And begin wearing hats and veils again...

Folks who never saw them in dresses or skirts may question the change....

Embrace these questions as God's opportunity for you to evangelize for HIM uncovering lies of the devil and making clear society's distortions of HIS best for us.

Share with others why you wear dresses and wear something on your head.

Explain how tight vulgar clothing causes young boys to need sex long long before they used to begin puberty and even at the age of 14 they are not capable of the responsibilities of married life yet.

Explain how each female can contribute to a new purity of society by making  purposeful choices of her own modest dress and head coverings.

And such modesty & purity will also transcend into the areas of darkness such as the attitudes on abortion that folks self-justify today.

And when you really will be an Esther too with no need to ever be blue!


Mr & Mrs William Gustavson
PO BOX 1144
Ponchatoula, LA  70454