Monday, October 7, 2013

The Most Sarcastic, Hypocritical & Indifferent People Go To Holy Mass Daily Though Their Hearts Are Far From HIM!

With most folks going almost naked....YES NAKED....almost everywhere from grocery shopping, to Holy Mass and even into the Confessional Closet to confess their sins to receive absolution from their sins, I could actually take thousands of new pictures each and every day of examples of how not to dress and how not to live...

It is amazing how so many who have risen to high places and certainly those who seat themselves in high places have always worn tightly fitting vulgar clothing revealing everything through the spray-painted on look to the completely bare that is far from fair but just plastered out there to lure pure holy men even husbands from their own wives into adulterous life styles.

As if to say...since I am the Catechist Director here and I dress this that others can too.

                 I have for over a year & a half tried                                                                                                            to get this open electric socket                                                                                                                         covered by Saint Joseph Church                                                                                                          being children play on this statue every                                                                                                                 weekend but this opening with sharp                                                                                                        edges that children can be cut on is still open today October 7, 2013

Can you see what I see here?
No different than in the days Jesus walked on this earth preaching & teaching HIS Holy Gospels... healing the sick raising the dead the arrogant who refuse to be pure over powering HIS righteous little ones in churches & synagogues.    See Gospel of Saint John Ch 16.
Arrogance in St Joseph Parking Lot receiving Holy Communion as act of trying to appear to be good....but who are they fooling???  Only themselves!

In Ponchatoula parking places everywhere not only at Saint Joseph are huge and most generous and mammoth in size yet see they actually routinely park                                                                                      on top of the side walks...

Without knowing which vehicle belongs to or is driven by can bet your bottom dollar that those who park arrogantly either right on top of us or on top of someone else when there were many other choices or trucks that place their hitches on the sidewalks where people walk from their vehicles into the church for Holy Mass...

The persons driving these machines are tough hard boiled angry folks who carry jealous wicked vendettas against many...certainly not just against us Gustavsons.

They are actually trying to set up anyone they can to complain about them to their face so that they can raise their back and stretch forth their venomous fire lashing their bottled up hatred for their own lives!

They would like to be gentle and enjoy the blessings of God as we do....but to do so they must truly repent and allow themselves to be transformed by God Himself.

But to allow this transformation to happen they must actively take a role.

They must literally remove their old garments that fit so vulgar tight & begin wearing more modest more lose fitting clothing.

Skirts that are too swanky sexy are not modest....women if you truly desire your clothing to not lead young boys & men not fool your selves and trade one promiscuous garment for another.

Why do folks not do this?

Because they do not want their tough friends to know that their hearts are changing....

So when they refuse to change their dress to remain in "Cognito"  they say they will be "Under Cover For God" they manage to live differently for maybe a day or so...

But just as in the parable of Jesus about the seed falling onto rocky ground...

They last only a day or two...for it is impossible to wear the old vulgar garments and purify ones heart permanently.

It is like playing dress up & pretend games...even acting.

A child or an adult who puts on a costume....or clothing that is not their own normal clothing styles...just for the fun of the change...

they will become the character whose clothing they are temporarily putting on.

So when folks who have lived harsh life styles get tired of being tough and want to embrace a gentler life style....

They must permanently change their wardrobe.

All the tight jeans and other garments of their former personality must be permanently discarded and ladies this should be fun for you for you get to go shopping for a totally new wardrobe!

And make your new style your new life whether at Grocery Shopping at Bohnings ... Winn-Dixie...Zupardo's Economical...Rouses or LeBlanc's of Hammond....even in WalMarts around the world everywhere let not your new look & new heart be placed under a bushel basket.

And you will be Esthers & Jacobs too!

Mr & Mrs William Gustavson
PO Box 1144
Ponchatoula LA 70454

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